Becca Mancari – The Greatest Part [Captured Tracks] The Greatest Part is a welcomed addition to the rapidly growing trend of what I can only describe as slacker rock, however I’m not in love with that description, because there’s so much more going on than the “lazy vibes” the descriptor might suggest. Others I would include […]

STAFF PICKS Kimber – Khruangbin Lindsay – Pottery, Becca Mancari Dario – Art Feynman, Becca Mancari, Woods Eric – Redd Kross Visit our webstore to purchase these titles plus pre-order future releases. If there’s anything you don’t see, give us a ring! 602-248-9461 THIS WEEK’S NEW RELEASES Khruangbin – Mordechai CD/LP (Dead Oceans) Khruangbin has […]

Here are 10 new releases for those special people in your life whose presence has been a positive force. These could be the dads, the single moms, the aunts, the uncles, the grandparents, the friends, the teachers, anyone who took it upon themselves to share some wisdom and love toward you as you figured out […]

STAFF PICKS Kimber – Fourtet Lindsay – Rolling Blackouts, El Michel’s Affair Dario – Bibio Eric – Free Nationals Visit our webstore to purchase these titles plus pre-order future releases. THIS WEEK’S NEW RELEASES Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever – Sideways To New Italy CD/LP+MP3 (Sub Pop) Aussie rock/pop outfit Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever’s second record […]