We couldn’t be more excited to share episode 2 of our new series I’ve Got Recommendations! Stinkweeds has long been a safe space to explore, discuss and discover your next favorite artist(s). We all know and feel that the constant feeding of content through various platforms can start to feel heartless and formulated. We are hoping […]

We believe 2021 will prove to be a pivotal year for Stinkweeds. Along with our regular customers, who we appreciate to no end, this has been a year of new faces. With those new faces comes new tastes, conversation and responsibility to our customers. Our first accommodating change was to bring on two new members […]

Here’s another 5 favorites from your friends at Stinkweeds. This is a monthly series, so be sure to check back in! Kit Sebastian – Mantra Moderne [Mr. Bongo] Well, it seems we have a new revival on our hands. Kit Sebastian is another in a growing trend of bands pulling from the psychedelic “World” sound […]

Big Thief – U.F.O.F [4AD] In our eyes, Big Thief can do no wrong. When songs originate from such a deep place singer/songwriter Adrienne Lenker seems to have sole access to, any and all directions will be met with admiration and praise. U.F.O.F. puts aside a lot of the heavier “rock” moments that are […]