We want to offer our deepest gratitude for all of you, our dear customers, new and old. Over the past few years, we’ve been seeing so many new faces, looking for every kind of music imaginable. Stinkweeds is an ever-changing creature. We’ve found that our customers are that special kind of music fan who want […]

This week is a strong week for new releases. So I’ve decided that our September favorites would include only titles that were released this Friday. What I found was a common theme in the need for patient listening. So along with these reviews, I pose a challenge for you, reader. If any of these albums […]

Down a narrow isle, cutting through the center of our little shop, tucked away with our magazines is a collection of 40 CDs, all loaded into 4 listening stations, changed out every month. They are strategically placed for minimal traffic or disruption and paired with a comfy seat, encouraging you to take some time to […]

This weekend, I drove to a friends house in Black Canyon City to observed the Perseids meteor shower. Once the dark desert monsoon skies opened up, with bolts of lightning flashing in the distance, and the stars and milky way presented itself, with brief flashes of light streaking across the sky, I couldn’t help but […]