To celebrate the release of the “R.E.M. by MTV” documentary on blu-ray, Rhino Records has hooked us up with a copy of the blu-ray DVD, a huge promo poster as well as LP versions of R.E.M. Unplugged 1991 and 2001.

We would like to see this go to the biggest R.E.M. fan we can find. So, we’re going to leave it up to you to show us how much you love this band. You can comment below with an essay, a poem or any sort of written word, expressing your love for R.E.M. and then tag us in a post, sharing a link to this blog page, on Twitter or Facebook, because a true fan should be willing to shout their love from on top of a social media mountain. Or, you can post a photo, video, a song or whatever medium you need to express your devotion to these giants of rock n roll (to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, being sure to tag Stinkweeds), and we will chose a winner from the entries on Friday, August 7th. And, just for participating, everyone will be entered into a raffle for a Stinkweeds Gift Card!

Best of luck to all of you!

Join the conversation! 3 Comments

  1. R.E.M.the IRS years where magical, a progression unlike anyone else’s, this side of the pond. They truly did matter for many of us growing up outside the big city lights. A band we all could relate to? Lucky for me. A small town boy from Indiana got to go to Art College on the East-coast for four years… where I was fortunate enough to catch many great bands live and R.E.M at a small theatre with 10,000 Maniacs opening was a show I will never forget!

  2. R.E.M. Where does one start?

    Well they had been around a while and to be frank (or Jim), I knew of them but was far more interested in Darkeave and industrial music at the time.
    Document was released and I was hooked.
    Green was a big commercial success yes, but every subsequent release saw me becoming a more and more devoted fan.
    With the release of what would be their final album, I am convinced it’s their most endearing album. Every song seemed written for me. My thoughts, feelings and aspirations, all wrapped in a wonderful album full of the pop hooks only REM could craft.
    I miss them but glad they went out on top.
    Collapse Into Now has become
    As important to me as Disintegration, Psychocandy and The Clash’s debut.

  3. I wasn’t even born when R.E.M. formed as a band, I had missed all those IRS years but by 1995 at age 13 they were their soundtrack to my awkward early teens. However it was the whole package I loved, the music, the videos, album artwork, each year’s fan club 7” single in it’s gorgeous letter pressed sleeve. Needless to say discussing b-sides and rarities wasn’t high on the 7th grade discussion list, so with the internet in it’s infancy I used that dial-up communication highway track down live show recordings and back issues of every magazine where R.E.M. graced the cover. It opened up a whole world of music and design that I might not have ever discovered. R.E.M. was the first band I ever loved, but what I love the most is how they made me love music and everything that came along with it.

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