No matter what kind of Dad you have, chances are, he’s got his taste in music…and he just won’t shut up about it. So, this Father’s Day, we’re giving him a break from sharing all that knowledge that, frankly, nobody asked about. I mean, how many times can you be made aware of the “slow hand” technique of Eric Clapton, or the virtuosity of Geddy Lee. “What’s that?! The Beatles?! Why no, I’ve never heard of them!”
So, here’s a few bands that you can share with dear old Dad to show him that you’ve been listening to all that music he’s shared…but you’re also your own person with a social life and an interest in relating to people your own age! That doesn’t mean pops can’t get in on the action though. Heck, he’s just about due for another attempt at youth. Maybe he could use to freshen up that record collection and get out and see some shows by musicians who are still alive!
So, for whatever taste he might have, here are a few new albums from artists that he will surely compare to an older band, saying “psh, they’re just trying to be another (so and so)” he will eventually come around to, because they’re awesome!
Bill Callahan – Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest [Drag City]
Now, some of you reading this might be young enough to have Dads that have been into Bill Callahan since back when they were your age. He’s been putting out music since the early 90s. But, he has maintained that youthful sense of exploration that keeps him far from the realm of “Dad Rock.” With that said, his new album just so happens to be about his recent marriage and becoming a Dad. [Recommended for Willie Nelson/Townes Van Zandt Dads]
Calexico/Iron & Wine – Years to Burn [Sub Pop]
Has your Dad taken his love of the Eagles to the “limit.” Well, we’ve got just the thing for him! Calexico and Iron & Wine are the light rockin’ songsmiths of this generation. They’ve got all that folkiness that any acoustic guitar-wielding weekend warrior would scour the tablature to have just a moment to believe that it’s them on stage, whispering in everyone’s ear.
Weyes Blood – Titanic Rising [Sub Pop]
Has your Dad ever admitted to marrying your mother because she reminded him of Stevie Nicks, Karen Carpenter or Linda Ronstadt? Well, I think he’s in for a real treat. Weyes Blood has that kind of voice that was born out of the age of crooners, smoked a little hash in the Sixties and emerged in the 70s with just the smoothest sounds you could imagine.
Mdou Moctar – Ilana the Creator [Sahel Sounds]
This one’s gonna hit a few spots! Was your Dad swept away by the recent “desert blues” craze out of West Africa, with bands like Tinariwen or Bombino? No? Ok, well, does your Dad like blues? Does he like guitars? (of course he does. he’s a dad) Does he like to listen to obscure bands from foreign countries that make him feel like he’s some sort of Indiana Jones of music? Well, here ya go…
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard – Fishing for Fishies [Flightless]
How many relationships has your father alienated because he thought a Sunday BBQ was the perfect time to put on Frank Zappa’s Hot Rats? Yes, his taste is misunderstood. But, that doesn’t mean it has to be irrelevant. Here are some young, amazing musicians, carrying that torch for all the weirdos who just love a good guitar solo.
Sons of Kemet – Your Queen is a Reptile
Your Dad has maintained and preserved his hi-fi that he bought back in 1975. His records are pristine. He puts on that Pharaoh Sanders album and just blasts off into another world. Music is his religion. Records are his bible.
Mattson 2 – Paradise [Company]
Your Dad has got it pretty well put together. He’s got a PhD in Sociology. He tucks his shirt in and even wears those cool tweed jackets with the leather arm patches. But, ENOUGH WITH THE PAT METHENY! Well, here’s a jazzy duo with all the licks and chorused out guitar, but just the right amount of edge that might have him trade that herringbone jacket out for some cool denim.
Amyl and the Sniffers – ST [ATO]
This one will be more of a challenge than a recommendation. If your Dad insists on telling you that the punk rock he likes is the only real punk rock and all that new shit is garbage, and you can’t handle real punk rock, have yourself a real John Bender (a la Breakfast Club) moment with him, and say “No Dad, what about you?!” and put on Amyl and the Sniffers and watch his face melt into a puddle.
Versing – 10000 [Hardly Art]
Maybe you’re lucky enough to have the kind of Dad that listens to Wire and Sonic Youth. He’s got a lot of really solid knowledge to share and you’re probably up for taking it all in. But, you just can’t seem to get him into any new bands. Give Versing a try. They’ve got that sound, down. But, it’s just as sincere as those early rock pioneers.
John Paul White – The Hurting Kind [Single Look]
Has your Dad ever said anything like “it’s all about the words”? Does he hold back tears listening to John Prine, Jackson Browne or James Taylor? Well, John Paul White just might be able to bring up some new emotions for him. Your Dad’s a sensitive dude and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Encourage those emotions. The stars are made of sensitive dad tears.
If none of these were representative of your incredibly unique Dad, drop by the shop and let’s figure it out! This is what we do!
Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s, Dudes who have put on those Dad hats, Moms who do the Dad stuff and just anyone who has helped shape a human being into the best human they can be.