Cassette Store Day! Yeah, that’s still a thing!
This Saturday, we are celebrating our 4th annual Cassette Store Day! You can scoff and moan all you want about the resurgence of cassettes, but there’s a finer point to the rise in popularity of this finicky format, and that point is PEOPLE LOVE MUSIC! They are going to get it however they can! As our cassette section has grown over the past four years, we are ever delighted by the enthusiastic reactions it inspired, from “Oh cool, they have cassettes!” to “What are these?!” We’ve seen more and more local bands release their albums on cassette, most likely feeding that bond and sense of ownership a fan can have with a small band’s music. Vinyl, CDs and digital copies are kind of for everyone at this point. But, if you have that album on cassette…that’s all for you.
So join us this Saturday to celebrate the resilient nature of music, and the ingenuity that has always worked to keep that constant flow to our ears. Along with our well stocked selection of cassettes, we’ll have some bonus Cassette Store Day titles available. We’ll also have a 15% off sale on ALL USED CASSETTES! We open Saturday at 11am – see you this weekend!