Stinkweeds: How We’re Getting Through This
Hello Friends,
First, we want to wish everyone the best of luck as we work our way around this confusing time. We consider you part of the Stinkweeds family and we feel a great loss not being able to chat music with you every day. But, we’re going to do all we can to keep you listening and discovering new music, because we know you need it now more than ever. With that said, we just want to share some actions we’re taking at the shop. Of course, these actions may be subject to change as things develop. But, we’ll be sure to keep you posted and most importantly, we won’t stop sharing music with you!
Open For Business…kinda
As of now, we are open for business, but the store is not open to the public. We are at the shop from 11am to 5pm, Mon-Fri and 11-3 on Sat, putting as many awesome titles online for purchase, as we can. We are making these titles available to anyone shopping online, but we are giving you the big advantage by first sharing them on our social media and giving you first pick. If you see anything on any of these platforms, just give us a call at the shop and we’ll take it offline and sell it to you! You are our first priority!
How You Can Interact With Us
Phone: We are at the shop from 11am to 5pm Mon-Fri and 11-3 Sat. We will happily take your phone call! If you have something in mind and we have it, we can get that rung up and set aside for curbside pickup! We’re also happy to mail it to you with a small postage fee. We love to hear your voices, so never hesitate to call! 602-248-9461
shop.stinkweeds.com: We’ve got all of our “Stinkweeds” Merch up on our website, which you can order, online. We’ve also got new releases that can be ordered. All of these can be shipped to you or set up for curbside pickup! And, if you’d like to support us, but you don’t really know what you want to get, quite yet, or, if you want to give someone else the gift of music, we recommend picking up a Stinkweeds Gift Card! We could use all the support we could get, right now and this is a great way to keep us moving and to treat yourself to some new music!
Instagram / Facebook / Twitter : We’ll be posting our usual stuff, with updates on new and used records. But, like everyone else, we’ll also be supplementing our social fix with all of you through these platforms! Oh, and as it so happens, we just hired a new millennial with that creative mind for social medias! His name is Eric and he’s already blowing our minds with his wacky ideas and social media magic! You’re going to get some fun videos and photos, for sure.
Youtube: Now, this is going to be some new territory for us, but we’re looking to be a lot more active with our Youtube page. If you didn’t know we had a youtube page, you should check it out! We’ve got some recent in-stores, as well as a “playlist” of past in-stores, including Elliott Smith, Miniature Tigers, Low, The Format, Menomena, Blonde Redhead, and many other amazing acts that have played in our little store. We’re hoping to get some fun new content up there, soon.
Discogs: We’re listing a ton of awesome stuff on our new Discogs page. It has always been store policy to keep the good stuff in the store. But, since you can’t get to us, we’re going to bring the good stuff to you! We’re adding titles daily, so be sure to keep checking in. Oh, and insider tip, you should definitely call the shop if you’re interested in a titled listed on Discogs. We can’t make any promises, but you might be getting a better deal if you talk to us, directly.
Social Distancing
We’re taking this social distancing VERY SERIOUSLY! We have systems in place to make sure your items are clean and germ free and handed over with both the customer’s and employee’s well being in mind. We’re also all practicing serious social distancing in our personal lives. This is for the greater good and if we don’t do it right, then what the heck are we doing?!
Keeping that Personal Touch
If you’re someone who shops at a record store, we understand that you’re probably the kind of person who appreciates a more personal experience with the world. You might skip the self checkout at the grocery store; you might talk to the bank teller instead of using the ATM; you call in your delivery order instead of ordering online. We get it! This is who we are! We understand that these adjustments might be difficult. We’re going to put all of our creative power into sharing music with all of you in the most personal way, possible. We’re going to share a little about how we’re doing and how music is keeping us in a good place. We’re going to ask you to share your stories! This is how we’re getting through this! Together! Please don’t hesitate to call or email us if you need some musical therapy.