So Many Tickets To Give Away!
We are just flooded with tickets to give away right now! We have so many that we’re not even going to make up some ridiculous contest to pick a winner! That would just be way too much work for us. Some tickets we will just be giving away at the store for anyone who buys anything. All you have to do is buy some music and say the secret password, which is “Hey, I read on your blog that you guys were giving away tickets to random shows for anyone who buys some music. That’s really cool! Stinkweeds is awesome!” These tickets WILL be random and you should just be happy with what you end up with. However, we also have tickets for shows that you can pick!
Here’s how you get those.
For the following shows, we just want you to comment below, expressing your interest in winning a pair of tickets. Please mention which show you want tickets for and say a few words about the band or whatever. Enthusiasm and creativity are much appreciated, but not necessary to win. We will simply draw a name.
@ The Rhythm Room – September 15th
@ Crescent Ballroom – September 15th
@ Crescent Ballroom – September 18th
@ Valley Bar – September 18th
Good Luck!
Thundercat! I mean who wouldn’t want to see some serious type of alpha beta psychedelic funk? I’ve yet to see him due to fatherly obligations but would really like to see him this time ’round. Yay?
Congrats Michael! You won the drawing for the Thundercat Tickets! Let us know as soon as possible, that you can definitely make it, and we’ll put them aside for you.
have they been claimed?
***crossing fingers…toes…***
Thundercat would be awesome! I have so much love for that album. Colleen Green also put out a great album and I’d love to rock out old school at Rhythm Room to her set!
I would love tickets to see Gardens & Villa because I see them every time they come to town and why mess with the divinity that is ~TRADITION?! Is it selfish to ask for two shows because the second pair of tickets I want is actually for my boyfriend who made it loud and clear that he wants to see Thundercat live. It’d be great to win those too and upload my reputation as the “best girlfriend ever.”
THREE – DAYS – LATER. And by “upload” I definitely mean “uphold” my reputation. Doo doo doo. 🙂
I would love to see Colleen Green! “I Want To Grow Up” is one of my favorite 2015 albums. 🙂 I’d also love to get a chance to see Thundercat. I’ll admit: I haven’t listened to his solo stuff yet (though I’ve heard him play on Flying Lotus and Kendrick records), but he’s one of those artists I’ve been meaning to look more deeply into (and some of the best concerts I went to, like Arcade Fire at Modified, were when I went to see shows by bands who I knew very little of and then they proceeded to blow my mind into tiny smithereens).
THUNDERCAT, please! I want to be FUNK’D ta DEATH on a Friday night!
When will y’all be doing the draw for tickets? 🙂