Stinkweeds/Silverplatter.info: August Show Picks!
We’re in the home stretch of another hot summer and we need those live shows now more than ever! Here are just a few of our favorites happening in August. Lots of overlap, this month. But, this is a real quality over quantity situation. See you at the shows!
Go to stinkweeds.com for a list of tickets available at Stinkweeds and silverplatter.info for a complete listing of concerts happening in the valley!
Vacationer @ Valley Bar – August 5th
I’ve been a fan of Vacationer since seeing them open up for Tennis some years back at Crescent Ballroom. I have yet to hear their new music but if it’s anything like their older stuff I’m sure it will be an enjoyable, laid back show!
Timber Timbre @ Valley Bar – August 22nd
After listening to their music for years, I can honestly say that I’ve been looking forward to the show ever since it was announced! I can’t wait to see how those melancholic melodies take shape when performed live.
Rooney @ Rebel – August 28th
Seeing Jason Schwartzman’s brother play on stage, performing songs made famous by the Princess Diaries? Plus, Brandon Schwartzel, current FIDLAR bass player used to play in Rooney! I know what you’re thinking, and I’m right there with you. Truly though, this band plays well and has a great stage presence. The songs are catchy and nostalgic. I’m excited for this!

TINARIWEN @ Musical Instrument Museum – August 23rd
Timber Timbre @ Valley Bar – August 22nd
There’s something to be said for the spaces where we experience live music. I try to make an effort to catch bands when they are at their most intimate. I took a gamble on Timber Timbre. This will be their second time coming to Phoenix, in the 10 years I’ve been listening to them. Their first show was an opening slot at a very large venue, about 6 years ago. As much as I wanted to see them, I decided to wait for their own show, at a smaller venue. I’m glad to say that wait has paid off. Timber Timbre’s music is as cavernous, cold and “underground” as the Valley Bar, itself. This will be the perfect setting for my first experience with their live show and I’m over the moon that it’s actually happening.
Tinariwen @ The MIM – August 23rd
Tinariwen is all heart. If you read about their story and listen to their sounds, you’ll see and hear that this music is as real as it gets. This will be my third time seeing them and I’m just as excited as the first time. Coming all the way from West Africa, by way of the entire world, it is a rare and beautiful treat that our lovely city is able to host bands of this nature. Yes, the drive to the MIM is a long one! But, I think it’s a small price to pay for a band that came all the way from Mali.