I have a love/hate relationship with holiday shopping. I am not a fan of the crazy crowds and loud, obnoxious advertising. However, I do enjoy the challenge of picking out the perfect gift for someone. I even enjoy the added challenge of having nothing in common with that person. It’s a test of the ego. There’s a balance between what someone wants and what I would like for them to want. If I go too far one way, my gift will be received with a weird look, an awkward smile and an “Oooh, thaaanks.”  If I go the other way and just pick out the obvious thing that I know they would want, there’s no enjoyment for me. And isn’t that what the holidays are all about? So I usually do all of my shopping in the places I…usually do all my shopping! With the familiar sense of comfort on my home turf, I can clear my mind and put myself into someone else’s shoes for a moment. Put me in a mall or the mayhem of a big box store and everyone is getting scented candles and sports themed snuggies, just so I can get the hell out of there.

So if you’re like me, Stinkweeds would like to help you get through this with a sense of comfort, familiarity and pride that you’ve successfully picked out the perfect gift that will solidify the bond between you and your loved ones. Yeah, we’ll be a little busier than usual, but we’re never too busy to help you find what you’re looking for. And, our customers are some of the nicest people in this town. No pushing or shoving at our little store.


Every year, the fine folks involved with Record Store Day do a small, limited run of vinyl to add some options to your holiday shopping. Just like the Record Store Day titles that are released in April, we order just about everything on the list! And, like Record Store Day, we were surprised with just how many of these limited releases we ended up with! Also, with the new store layout, we’ve managed to make it easier to navigate the Black Friday releases and shop for our regular stock.
We will be opening the store at 10am on Friday the 27th, for anyone anxious to get their hands on one of these limited items. There are a few rules, regarding the RSD titles.

*RSD releases are limited one title per customer.
*RSD titles are first come, first serve
*We can not hold any titles on the 27th. After the 27th, we will hold any that we have left
*RSD titles can not be sold before the 27th

Here is a link to the RSD Black Friday list.




Who doesn’t love music?! We understand that this can be a tricky area when it comes to gift giving. This is something we put a lot of thought into. We’re sensitive to the fact that people’s taste in music is a very personal thing and can even lead to some animosity when not approached with understanding and empathy. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be the one to introduce someone to their new favorite band! This will require some detective work on your part. If you’re able to gain access to someone’s collection, make a note of what they have and don’t have. If you know the person well enough, try to think of their top 5 bands. If you’re worried that you might not find something they don’t already have, keep in mind that there is new music coming out all the time. Chances are, we can find them something that fits within their taste that has come out in just the past few months. But again, this will require some knowledge of the person you’re shopping for. So this Thanksgiving, get to know your relatives a little more. You can make a game out of it! Ask them if they’ve been to any concerts lately. Maybe go through their music and get a conversation going. They’ll think it’s just good ol’ family bonding, when in fact, you’re playing sneaky secret agent. Bring this information to us, and we’ll do our best to help you find that new favorite album for your new favorite relative. Or, worst case, you can always buy a gift certificate!


Vinyl is sure to be on a lot of people’s lists this year. But what are they going to play it on?!
We have a variety of record players in stock for just about any vinyl enthusiast. We’ll go over a few of them, but we encourage you to come into the shop and talk to us about your needs. Record players are a little more complicated than an mp3 player, but we’re always happy to help.


Orbit PlusU-Turn Orbit Plus Turntable with Ortofon OM-5E Cartridge

This is high quality, audiophile gear at an affordable price. One of the great things about listening to vinyl is the variety of upgrades you can do to your system. It’s fun to start out with something simple, and when you make the decision to upgrade, it’s like listening to your records for the first time.



at2Audio-Technica AT-LP60 Automatic Turntable

This one has been one of our best sellers for a few years now. For the price, this is a very durable, reliable, and versatile record player. With a built in pre-amp, you don’t have to buy the receiver and speakers to make this work. Any powered speakers will do, such as computer speakers or studio monitors. This is a great place to start for any serious vinyl lover.




Crosley Portable Record Players w/ Built In Speakers

With their vintage charm and plug and play simplicity, these are the perfect gift for someone just getting into the record game. Their small size and portability make them perfect for a bedroom, kitchen or small dorm.




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Stinkweeds T-Shirts

We are fully stocked on all sized of our popular 25th anniversary T and our equally amazing “Arizona” T.



Box Sets

We have some awesome, collectable box sets, used and new, including the new Neko Case Truckdriver, Gladiator, Mule 8pc Vinyl Set, the Magnetic Fields 69 Love Songs 10″ vinyl set, and other offerings from a variety of current and classic bands for all tastes.



All the stuff you didn’t know you needed but now you can’t live without!

Stinkweeds Slipmats!


Vinyl Cleaning Kits





Cassette Tapes!



Thank You For Your Business

We know all this holiday business can be a bit distracting and, at times, stress inducing. We appreciate you keeping us in your thoughts when deciding where to spend your hard earned money. We also want to help you find those perfect gifts at other great local shops around town. We are always happy to make suggestions and point you in the right direction. Within a mile radius of our store, there are a large number of small, local businesses with some truly unique gift ideas and, most importantly, friendly people, willing to help you find those perfect gifts. The malls might seem like the easiest way to go, but we strongly believe that you will benefit from staying away from the madness and impersonal service you are likely to get from the big stores. Holiday shopping can and should be a positive experience. If you agree, we hope to see you in the next few weeks.

